Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In - Game Jams

First let me call attention to the marvelous new post header that my good friend Joe Schmidt drew up for me. Getting free art is great! Getting amazingly talented free art is awesome! Onto other things, things less positive. I weighed in at 221 pounds today. All I had on were my glasses. I tried taking them off and all that really did was hide my shame in the blur of 20/1200 vision. I did get a walk in at work yesterday and a evening bike ride in on Monday, but I have really been letting the weather control me too much. I said last week I was going to overcome that, and then I didn't. So I have a goal for this week and it's the same as last week's. At least I don't have to update my rubber wristbands. For the record, I don't wear wristbands, because I am an adult. Please disregard my entire wardrobe of video game polo shirts that I wear to work in my professional office building.

 This week the Wildstar Team shared with us the sort of things they like to do on the weekend. Based on this post the answer is "go to work." Since this is an official blog post, and one assumes that senior management reads it, I don't know how much of that statement is true and how much is the entire team angling for a raise

What did we learn out of this update? Those housing dungeons that Gaffney was tossing about on the last interview circuit have a name now! They are called Expeditions.

Expeditions are scaled dungeons available via your housing plot. The scope of an Expedition is constrained, amounting to roughly 15 minutes of concentrated gameplay.  The story is on the minimal side, the content is devoid of exterior context, there are no quests and the playable space is relatively small.

For more information on how these Jams are different than the normal Monday through Friday 9 to 5 you can head over to the Wildstar Blog and read the whole entry.

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