Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In - Paths

I don't know which is more surprising today:
  • After a week of failing to get a lick of productive exercise, I kept even at 217.8 pounds.
  • Wildstar dropped a bombshell of Path information on their website early.
  • The Press bombarded us with interviews and features all day today.
I have a ton of this information to dig though. I am hesitant to call the two videos posted by the team as the most important, they are certainly the most visible.

There is also a great deal of information on the different types of path "missions" that you'll encounter on a newly updated section of the Wildstar official web page. This includes details on the Scientist and Settler paths, which previously had only been spoken of in hushed whispers. You can read all of the details by following the link I've provided cleverly disguised as my favorite image of the day.

Before I post that link I did want to say a couple of things. It still feels like the Soldier and Explorer are the most fleshed out of the 4, but Settler will take some hands on to really understand and Scientist may just not be my thing, coloring my perspective. Also I was a little disappointed to see how "Crossing Paths" was represented in the Dev Speak video. I had imagined that it would be more like different paths interacting to create or unlock other extra content. Maybe we'll see something more at end game, that seems like a good place to really evolve the path interactions.

Frost keeps some odd company.

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